With the downturn of the economy in 2008, frugality quickly became a popular topic. Couponing is the new extreme sport, with many great online resources and blogs making it easy to find the deals. Over the past three years, I have become an avid couponer myself and I find it quite addicting to walk out of stores with free or nearly free items! Living on a one income budget, our family relies on frugal living to pay the bills each month and to keep me at home with my kids.
But as I started couponing, I began pondering about why we are frugal. What is the purpose of a frugal lifestyle? Is it just for our own good? The more I read in the Bible, the more I found the admonition for us to give, to everyone and especially to our family of believers throughout the world. As an American, even as a low income American, I am so blessed in abundance compared to the rest of the world. As a believer in Christ, I am called to be a faithful steward of what God has given me, in both earthly and spiritual riches, and to increase it (Parable of the Ten Minas).
Indeed, God Himself gives us a perfect example of the generous Life; He has given us, who deserve nothing, very much-- namely His own Son. Yet all too often, we as the American church, become caught up in our culture’s pervading materialism and self-indulgence. We hoard our wealth, and the body of Christ fails in generous living. Not only do we hurt those who have not, we hurt ourselves by missing out on the joy that comes through giving. I don't believe this is what God has purposed for our lives.
There is great contentment in the simple, frugal life. And there is true joy when we learn to hold our possessions with an open, grateful hand and freely give to others. This blog is an exciting challenge for myself, and hopefully to you as well, to trust God more, live generously and excel in this grace of giving. Not only can we meet our needs each month through frugal living, but we can give abundantly and regularly to people in need.
Kelly is a Christian, acquainted with grief and longing for a better home, counting it all joy (Isaiah 53:3; Hebrews 11:16; James 1:2). She has fought cancer, grieved multiple miscarriages, and continues to seek God amidst the everyday struggles of life, finding lasting contentment in Him. She is a wife to a full time missionary/pastor and a stay at home mom to a very active five year old girl, a busy, truck-loving 2 year old boy, and a sweet, cuddly baby boy! She is an avid supporter of Operation Christmas Child, Voice of the Martyrs, and Gospel for Asia, and she enjoys giving to people in need.