Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thinking about Adoption? "Wait No More."

"Why aren't we willing as the body of Christ, like so many others, to accept the reality that these kids are just going to stay there and they're just going to age out or exit the system? We're not willing to accept that reality because, as followers of Christ, we want to have His heart and we want His plans to help these kids. His heart beats and breaks for these children." Kelly Rosati, adoptive mom

Are you thinking about adopting from U.S. foster care? I know my husband and I have a desire to help children with no families of their own. I don't know how that will shape out for our family, but God does.

I happened across a Focus on the Family initiative called Wait No More and wanted to share the website's informative videos with you.

Have additional adoption resources you'd like to share? Please leave the information in the comments section.

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