After completing the 5 Minute Give Challenge yesterday, I was able to round up (9) Box Tops from my cupboards and pantry. Don't forget to check your Ziploc boxes, Cottonelle Wipes containers/bags, and Scott tissue paper.
Check out the Box Tops for Education site for a thorough list of products.
There's still plenty of time to do this easy challenge and help bless a hurting community and school district. See Box Tops for Minot, North Dakota for details.
"It’s a small, humble offering compared to their great loss and need, but God can use small. Small does something, and nothing only ever does nothing; it’s always right to give." -Kate Conner
"It’s a small, humble offering compared to their great loss and need, but God can use small. Small does something, and nothing only ever does nothing; it’s always right to give." -Kate Conner
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