Saturday, October 8, 2011

Unexpected Beauty.

I wanted to get a picture of these beautiful orange marigolds before the looming frost got them. I actually planted only yellow marigolds back in June (you can see them underneath the orange flowers), so I was surprised to see one orange marigold shoot up after a couple weeks, and since then, grow abundantly into an enormous flowering plant! 

I have been reminded by this plant that I have a God of the unexpected. In my limited knowledge, I tried to create a beautiful array of flowers, but in His abounding wisdom, He sprung up the most beautiful, unexpected plant. And not only that, He perfectly situated it right on the end of my display for all who pass by to see! Though I wish I could, I cannot take credit for its beauty, as I did not plan for it to grow. Therein lies part of the mystery of God; we cannot know when or how His unexpected, unplanned beauty will grow in our own life, but as followers of Christ, He is making us into a magnificent display for all who pass by to see, for His glory, not ours.

Have you seen God work in unexpected ways? How did He surprise you?

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