For all of my fellow bloggers out there, I just finished reading Laura Booz's
eBook, Blogger Behave, and it has been a refreshing reminder to me about
the place of in the scheme of my life. Through humorous
and poignant personal stories, Laura explains how the key to a
successful blog is fitting your blog into your life, not letting your
blog control your life. If you are a blogger who has felt the anxiety
of blogging due to not publishing “enough” posts, losing sight of
your original focus, or just beginning to dread this hobby that is
suppose to be enjoyable, Blogger Behave may be a great read for you.
Some key
points that stuck out to me with my own blogging efforts:
- try to write more quickly if you are a slow writer and like to post grammatically perfect posts (so me!)
- only write and post what fits with your blog's focus, discard the fluff
- have high expectations for what you publish and keep your posts in a printed out format, too (almost like a blog scrapbook)
- have limitations with how much time you will dedicate to your blog each day without neglecting the more important things (and people) in life
- pray for your blog (should have been a no-brainer!)
If you are interested in purchasing this eBook, you can download it instantly by clicking on the picture above (it is $4.99).
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