Our $10 Changing Table! |
Our $25 Rocking Chair! |
Our $10 Crib! |
A $10 Slide for our (now) 2 year old! |
$1500 for Stainless Steele Microwave, Oven, and Refrigerator (not pictured)! |
Fru-Gal Tip: Buy off of Craigslist!
We love
Craigslist! If you're looking to buy higher-priced items, I would definitely recommend scanning your local Craigslist ads first. In 2009, while outfitting our nursery for our soon-to-arrive first child, we were able to find a crib, changing table, and rocking chair for under $50 total. We just bought our now almost 2 year old a big girl slide for a birthday present, costing $10 on Craigslist (originally close to $100). And in August, when we were renovating our newly bought home, we were able to find matching, like-new stainless steel appliances for $1500 total (microwave, oven, and fridge).
Working previously as an employment coordinator, I can also tell you that Craigslist is a great resource for job postings! Many employers are now listing their open positions on this free website.
Don't forget to sign up for your local freecycle if you have one (on yahoo groups). It's like craigslist but FREE! This year we were blessed with a 7.5 ft Christmas tree (we can't have a real one, and only had a 4 ft one up until now). We were then able to offer our 4 ft tree to someone else who didn't have a tree and blessed them this Christmas! This summer we were also able to snag an exersaucer for our son and it was a lifesaver- it was missing 1 or 2 toys and we had to clean it up a bit, but for a 100% discount, I'll take it!