Meanwhile, I wanted to share some fun alphabet songs we have discovered on YouTube! I have been going through the Letter of the Week curriculum for preschoolers by Katrina Lybbert. It has been going well for us and I have been supplementing it with some very fun letter songs that you must check out if you have preschoolers!
Have Fun Teaching has each letter of the alphabet put to a catchy rap. It emphasizes uppercase, lowercase, sounds of the letter, and example words in each song. I've included the Letter A Song for you to check out. Beyond the alphabet, they have many other songs, too, including sight words, science subjects, and even fitness songs (Anna's version of a robot walk in the Walking Song is hilarious)!
Storybots is another great channel to subscribe to on YouTube. Each letter of the alphabet has an upbeat song with quirky little robot characters as the singers. B is for Boogie is my personal favorite (I guarantee that adults will like these, too)! They also have several nursery rhymes and you can feature your child's picture in the songs for free (though I haven't tried this yet). Let me know what you think! :)
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