Here's what you do:
1. Get a big box or bag and fill it with toys that your children can go without to make room for new toys this year (give toys in good pre-owned condition).
2. Make a post on your local Craigslist advertising free toys to a family in need this Christmas.
3. Watch and be amazed at the responses (some very heartbreaking). Pray over the responses in your inbox and choose the person you feel most led to contact.
4. Arrange a time for your person to come pick up the toys or simply leave them outside your door for them if you won't be home. Think about including a handwritten Christmas card or wrapping paper/bags for them to use while wrapping.
5. Feel the joy of giving this Christmas season (oh you will)! AND have less toy clutter!
No toys? Think about clearing out your closets and offering a free coat instead to a person in need.
I'd love to hear from you if you try this for yourself!
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
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