Yes and no... we managed to not spend any money on clothes this year out of our normal clothing budget, but we did buy some items with gift money (birthdays, holidays). That was a lifesaver with the kids... there were some unforeseen expenditures such as school uniforms or shoes that got outgrown too quickly and so on.
Personally, I think I could have gone all year without spending money on myself quite easily, but the kids were more of a challenge.
I've learned throughout the year that I can, more often than not, get by with what we have instead of buying things just because they were a good deal or I thought we "needed" them or I had an urge to shop. It also allowed me to trust in God and see His provision in so many ways.
To be truthful, I'm looking forward to being able to shop and spend money on clothes and not having to worry about how much we have in gift money reserves. However, I'm also hopeful and a little more prepared to curb the unnecessary purchases as much as possible.
How are you doing on your frugal living journey? I don't have any big, crazy frugal resolution for 2016 but I do hope to find new, bigger ways to live a generous life. Thanks for joining me in the journey!
Frugal living for the grace of giving.
From our family to yours, God bless you in 2016.
Good job, Kelly! I had been wondering ~ thought about you a lot last year! ;)