The lyrics below are from a beautifully renditioned hymn, "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus." Theologically true, this song hits the target concerning Jesus' love toward His children. The chorus is the third stanza: Love cannot from its post withdraw, nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law... May we meditate on that reminiscent verse, "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39). Nothing, not even ourselves, will separate the chosen from the chooser.
Music can be heard on Indelible Grace's website. Each song is available for listening.
The love of Christ is rich and free;
Fixed on His own eternally;
Nor earth, nor hell, can it remove;
Long as He lives, His own He’ll love.
His loving heart engaged to be
Their everlasting Surety;
'Twas love that took their cause in hand,
And love maintains it to the end.
Love cannot from its post withdraw;
Nor death, nor hell, nor sin, nor law,
Can turn the Surety’s heart away;
He’ll love His own to endless day.
Love has redeemed His sheep with blood;
And love will bring them safe to God;
Love calls them all from death to life;
And love will finish all their strife.
He loves through every changing scene,
Nor aught from Him can Zion wean;
Not all the wanderings of her heart
Can make His love for her depart.
At death, beyond the grave, He’ll love;
In endless bliss, His own shall prove
The blazing glory of that love
Which never could from them remove.
Which never could from them remove.
"The Love of Christ," music by Indelible Grace, Vocals: Derek Webb
Those lyrics were just beautiful. Keep up the good work.