Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Free Limeade Sparkler and Orange-n-Creme Freeze at Taco Bell!

There is only one Taco Bell that I know of in our area, and that is at the mall's food court.  We have actually never ate at that location, or at a Taco Bell since we've been married (well maybe once or twice, but I really can't remember it).  Anyways, I foresee a cheap date to our mall soon as there are two coupons available for free drinks! There is a free Limeade Sparkler coupon in the 10/17 Red Plum (valid through 11/25/10) and an online free Orange-n-Creme Swirl Frutista Freeze coupon (you can print it more than once).

Let's see how many other free or nearly free coupons for various items I can accumulate before we head to the mall.

Thanks, Passionate Penny Pincher and Money Saving Mom!

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