I wanted to share Take Them A Meal with you, a valuable online site that I've been a part of through my church's Community Care Ministry. This free online tool helps coordinate the delivery of meals to people in need, from families with newborn babies to patients recovering from surgery or sickness. Not only have I given through this resource, but my husband and I were the recipients of this wonderful ministry both when I had major abdominal surgery and again when I gave birth to our beautiful little girl. Both times, this was a tremendous blessing to us and we were deeply thankful for these practical acts of love! Anyone can be a meal coordinator to get the ball rolling for someone in need. "A meal coordinator is able to create a customized online sign up sheet that makes it easy for friends and family to bring meals. In just a few minutes, phone numbers, driving directions, food allergies, and any other helpful details can be communicated to everyone involved."
Know someone who could use some meals? Consider starting a sign-up for them @ takethemameal.com!
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