Monday, April 28, 2014

Anna's First Day of Kindergarten!

Anna, my 4 year old, had her first day of kindergarten today! Yes, it is late April, but when you home school, you can start your school year in the Spring! ;)

My plan is to teach throughout the summer and take a winter break instead of a summer break, since we are excitedly expecting a new little one who is due in November. We'll probably take a couple months off then, during the holidays.

We're using My Father's World kindergarten curriculum, which I purchased online for $129 (the basic package). I'm so thrilled to have a curriculum in place already, since I made up her preschool curriculum myself, pulling free resources and lessons from online.

We're working on the first unit, which goes over God's creation of the universe in Genesis 1. We'll be visiting a friend's farm on Friday to see the newborn lambs, which will fit in well with our creation theme.

Being my oldest, I made sure to snap the "first day of school" picture for memories' sake. This was probably my seventh picture of her, as her posing was a little much. We finally got an almost normal smile and stance. :)

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