Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Shoe box time!

"I had never received a gift before, but inside my shoebox I found a yo-yo, a toy car, and some pencils—pencils made in the United States! I felt so proud that someone in America loved me. I don’t have the yo-yo anymore. I don’t have the toy cars or the pencils either, but I have one thing that has not changed: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The shoebox gave me all that I need and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ." Kojo's story of receiving a shoe box when he was a boy in Ghana

Image result for operation christmas child
It's my favorite time of the year... time to pack Operational Christmas Child shoe boxes! If you haven't participated in this ministry before, you're missing out on a wonderful privilege to bless impoverished children around the world with a shoe box full of presents (plus the amazing gift of the Gospel). National Collection Week is November 14-21, so there's still time to pack a shoe box (or more)! Find out how at Samaritan's Purse.

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