Saturday, October 23, 2010

Update: Week 1 of the November Widow's Challenge.

Now, I know it is still October, but I decided to start my November Widow's Challenge a little early.  My goal is to stretch $3 of my weekly grocery budget toward purchasing donations for the Open Door Food Pantry here in Cape Ann. However, this week, I could not spend it! Not a penny. I tried really hard, too. With the amazing Shaws catalina and the money maker at Walgreens, I ended up getting all of the above items for more than free (9 Hamburger Helpers, 6 Betty Crocker boxed potatoes, 3 Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, 12 Progresso soups, 2 Betty Crocker cake mixes and 2 frostings, and 1 Blistex since they take other donations)!

So, after running out of time and energy, I gave up.  I felt like I was holding seven measley loaves of bread and Jesus was multiplying my resources to feed the 4,000 (Mark 8:1-9). I'm tacking this week's unspent $3 onto next week. We'll see if I can spend a whole $6!

I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. Mark 8:2

New to the "Widow's Challenge"? Check out what the Widow's Challenge is all about.

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