Friday, March 22, 2013

Sign the Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Petition!

Do you currently or have you ever fed your child Kraft Macaroni & Cheese? I think we all have, if not most of us! Such an iconic food for childhood, I know I've both ate Kraft Mac & Cheese growing up (and as an adult) and I've made it for my toddler girl. In my previous post, What's in our Food? Fascinating and Frightening., I shared Vani Hari's article that explores the frightening truth that food companies are using banned ingredients in other nations freely in American food.

In a first step to changing this deceitful and dangerous scheme, Vani Hari from Food Babe and Lisa Leake from 100 Days of Real Food have started a petition to ban ingredients Yellow #5 and Yellow #6 from the U.S. version of Kraft Mac & Cheese (already banned from the UK version), as these ingredients are known to cause cancer. For more information and to join with me, you can watch an informative video and sign the petition here. Let Kraft know that American parents do care what ingredients go into our children's food! And make sure to share this eye-opening petition with other mom friends.

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