Friday, August 30, 2013

Ways our Family Saves: We Refuse to Pay Retail Price for Greeting Cards!

Have you seen the price of a greeting card lately? It's UNreal! One way our family saves upwards of $5 per recipient per occasion is to, at all possible costs (no pun intended), refuse to buy greeting cards at their retail price. I'm a big proponent of buying cards in bulk or, if I have a little bit of time and motivation, make my own cards. I keep a look out for box sets of greeting cards at a great price anywhere I may go, from garage sales to thrift stores to drugstores to online sales. And like many other gifts, I buy ahead of time, even a year ahead of an occasion, if I see a card at a great price.

While vacationing this past week in the Rocky Mountains, I stopped at a thrift store that supported a local church, and jack pot! There were piles of nice greeting cards to be had. I paid about 25 cents per card and also got some packs/boxes of cards for an even sweeter deal. It was perfect timing as I needed some more to replenish my current stockpile (which I keep in an accordion file folder, organized by occasion).

Also, if I have no time left and no other option, I'll stop by the Dollar Tree, which has cards for 50 cents... a decent deal compared to the prices found elsewhere! Besides, I think a thoughtful handwritten message inside a card should be more meaningful than the price tag.

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